Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Think Orange

I've been reading the Orange Journal compiled by Reggie Joiner. The main idea is getting the church and the family to work together to positively impact current and future generations. The concept of ORANGE is mixing Yellow/Light/Church with Red/Heart/Family to get a balanced mix of ORANGE. Here are a few tidbits from the journal:

  • What concerns us more: how we did on Sunday or how our people are doing on Monday?
  • Church and family leaders must work TOGETHER (like orange traffic cones) to lead people in a specific direction.
  • You can change the presentation of the message to better connect with your target group without changing the fundamental nature of the message.
  • Apply creativity to teaching the Bible so people GET IT rather than ENDURE IT.
  • How many families stop attending church because the struggle to get the kids to go isn't worth it.
  • Design a strategy that combines family with the faith community to demonstrate the message of God's story, in order to influence the next generation. (BAM!)

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action.