Wednesday, October 29, 2008


All I can say is thank God for windshields! I'm still driving my motorcycle to work every day. Yesterday morning, as I took off at 4:55 am for work, it was 29 degrees. At 70 mph that gets a bit chilly!! I recently installed a windshield on my bike. That knocks a bunch of airflow down.... OK - this may shock you if you have followed this blog for very long.... but I don't have any spiritual correlation for that tiny story.... yikes!

Life is good. Our Lifegroup is doing great. We are taking a scenic boat ride on the Mississippi River this Saturday... can't wait..... The leaves are supposed to be gorgeous this weekend. I'll post some pics.... Gettin' late and I get up early, so see ya later.

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action!

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

Glad you have a windshield.

The trees will definitely be awesome!!