Tuesday, March 03, 2009

That's my Koolaid

Thanks to Gary Lamb for getting all up in my Koolaid and punching me in the throat today (not physically). I was listening to a series he is doing called Bringing Sexy Back. He stepped through the idea that great sex starts long before you enter the bedroom. As I listened to his story about how he and DeAnna almost did not make it, and what they did to realign with God's plan, I began to wipe the fluids leaking from my eyes (since I'm not on stage at LifePoint I don't have to add a $1 to the cry jar). Guys, it is this simple, I better treat Vange as my BEST friend and actively put her needs before mine. Ephesians 5 says that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church... that is a whole nutha level of love! Communication is HUGE!!! and I'm not as good at it as I want to be. Life happens (jobs, kids, projects, etc...) and we drift apart. Today starts a renewed love (not lust) for her... and there is no way in hell I will allow anything to become a wedge between us!

While Gary happened to be the guy God used to get my attention today, (serious flag) I'm privileged to sit under the teaching of Bob Robbins every week. Bob did a series about fighting for relationships... tonight, I'm going to grab the notes from those talks and determine to love my family like I never have..... BETTER than I ever have.

Here is my challenge for you... If you are in a relationship that is falling apart, or has already busted, I dare you to ask God what you can do to repair it and give you a relationship high like you've never felt..... I dare you.......

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action.

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