Monday, June 08, 2009

Darn It Crap!

When my 5 year old son, Griffin, gets mad or hurt, his favorite phrase is Darn It Crap! Today, I'm having one of those Darn It Crap moments. A pastor in Canton, GA resigned from leading Revolution Church Sunday. Gary Lamb stepped down because of an affair he had with his assistant. That SUCKS! While I'm still very fond of Gary and how God has used him to challenge me, my attention and prayer right now is leaning toward DeAnna, his wife, and their kids. There is a LOT of hurt and betrayal they are dealing with.

Let's be honest, we all sin, and in marriage we sometimes treat our spouse inappropriately. My prayer is that God does a beautiful healing in the Lamb family and that they once again are a potent force in causing people to turn toward Christ!

Live loud, live intentional, and love God and people with every word and every action.


Anonymous said...

what about the other family?

Ron RuBright

Doug said...

Good point - Elena and her husband are in need of God's healing also! Let's keep them in prayer too....