Friday, June 05, 2009


I recently took my 14 year old daughter, Ashli, out for her 2nd driving lesson. Her 1st lesson was in a large empty parking lot with me sitting on the center console of the Suburban ready to take control if needed.... after all, she was brand new to this experience. She did so well the 1st time, that I decided to give her a bit more freedom and responsibility during round 2. This time, I sat in the passenger seat and we actually went on a back road... She had to navigate actual road signs and a few other cars. She did really well! I was very proud. Here is Ashli' Twitter following her drive:

went for a driving lesson with my dad. there is just something cool about controling a suburban:)

So, is she ready to jump in the Suburban and drive up to the church? No. She will need much more guidance and practice... more understanding of the rules of the road.... and more chances to apply them. She has started her journey, and it's a journey that never ends. Driving is a living, breathing animal. There is always something new to learn, road construction / detours and potholes to deal with, newly discovered roads, different passengers to share the ride with.... It goes on and on...

So let me ask you something.... When a person decides to cross the line of faith and say yes to Jesus for the first time, how quickly do we expect them to "drive" all by themselves? I grew up in a church culture that believed once you say yes to Jesus and show up at church a time or two, all of your external behaviors need to have changed to align with God principles. In fact, if you still were dealing with a habit or some element of your lifestyle that was not very "Christian" then you must have been faking it and did not really give your heart to Jesus. That's a bunch of... um, let's see..... how can I put this... CRAP!

Listen, the very 1st message that Bob spoke as the Lead Pastor at LifePoint dealt with the idea we are not really concerned with how close to or far away you are from Jesus you are... what is important is your direction of travel... be moving TOWARD Jesus, not away from Him. When you decide to say yes to Jesus, don't get in a hurry to "drive" all alone too far too fast. Be a "passenger" some, learn the "roads" from others and from checking out God's "Rules Of The Road" (yes, I'm talking about the Bible), "drive" with someone else for a while.... and be excited about this new stage in life cuz it is very cool!

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action!

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