Thursday, November 01, 2007


Sometimes I see a billboard that actually captures my attention.... and I'm not talking about the hot wing place billboards. There are those signs that provoke thought, and cause me to ponder what they say. I recently saw a group of 4 billboards that Lifechurch (in Oklahoma City) used on a sermon series. Each billboard contains a statement, it is "signed" by Satan, and it has a website listed SatanHatesLife. OK, I did not see the actual billboards, but put yourself in the driver's seat of a vehicle where you see these..... Dude, I would probably wreck the car.....

  1. In our attempt to connect people with God, the leadership at LifePoint will do whatever it takes. When I see a campaign like this from a church, it makes me wonder...
  • "How many people were offended (maybe it is only traditional church people that are offended by something like this).

  • How many people with NO CONNECTION TO GOD were prompted to think about the difference in God's desire for us versus Satan's desires.

  • Is there ONE person that could start a journey of a relationship with God because a billboard made them think. Can a "seed" be planted in a person that will grow into a beautiful walk with God all because a church dared to be real and talk about real stuff? (The answer is HECK YEAH!)

Think about it ......

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / family / and friends with every word and action you have!

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

Probably old news to you because I got the book from Bob...but have you read the pastor's book? A-Mazing.