Friday, November 02, 2007

Some People....

I have four kids... Ashli (12) Haley (11) Dawson (5) and Griffin (3). Needless to say, we have a LOT of candy ofter our Trick-Or-Treat excursion Wednesday night. The weather was fantastic. After we got home and surveyed the "stash", I decided that there are a few of the candy givers that I need to meet.... Here is a sample of what we brought home....

Look closely.... Crackers? Chips? Rice Cakes? And the kicker..... PACKETS OF HOT SAUCE?
OK - either some people have a great sense of humor (cause honestly, I find that hilarious) or they have real Halloween etiquette issues.... Of course, a bunch of people from LifePoint passed out awesome candy (we hope) and included a business card with a spider web on front that stated "Church... It doesn't have to be scary!" On the back was the church website and service times. Ashli was handing the cards to people that gave her candy.... It was cool to see people slowly backing into their house, letting the door close at a snails pace, and studying the card. Way to go Ashli!

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