Friday, November 09, 2007


I've been riding my motorcycle to work in downtown St Louis all year. It has been getting a bit chilly here. The last couple of mornings I have jumped on the bike in the morning it has been about 30 degrees.... Yikes - at 70 mph that gets COLD! I love the bike though, and I love saving $ because the bike gets 50 mpg. Now That is dedication.

This morning I left for work at 6:30 (on the bike) and it was 40 degrees. I was driving down the road near our high school. I saw this kid (probably 14 years old) walking with his guitar strapped around his neck and playing it. That kid must really love the guitar... and he must have a real drive to be his best. I've seen him a couple of mornings with his guitar. I think I'll stop and ask him to play something for me next time I see him. Then, I hope to see him again several months later and see what kind of progress he has made.

Side note: my kids got their hair cut last night. Dawson (5) was very careful to catch his hair clippings in the cape and wrap them in a kleenex. He brought the hair home for me so I could use his hair on my head.... My hair has been "quiting" on me the last few years and I finally shaved my head last week.... That kid is FUNNY!

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

haha Dawson ROCKS!