Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lessons Learned

Have you ever had those AH-HA moments when the light flipped on in your head and there was a lesson learned. Come on... remember when you learned that sticking something metal in the outlet was a bad idea? Remember when you learned that your friends are not perfect... and they even tick you off sometimes? How about when you realized that your parents actually are fairly smart? Spiritual moment warning: How about learning what a huge sacrifice God made by allowing His Son to be tortured for us? (By the way, I'm not God - and if anyone ever comes after Ashli, Haley, Dawson, Griffin, or Vange, I will take them out!)

OK, OK... My big lesson for this week has been "Make sure you accurately evaluate the other Lifegroup's athletic ability in kickball BEFORE you talk trash about whoopin' them." Sunday night, 2 of the lifegroups (small groups) from LifePoint got together and played kickball and had ice cream. Sadly, after I trashed talked Dan's group, my group lost.... by just a run or two...... or twenty - who was counting..... It was a ton of fun, even with the loss. Kyle and Emily (LifePoint's Youth Pastors) came and hung out with us and brought some friends from Texas with them... Nick and Lacey were unfortunately on the losing end of the game.

Alright, enough of that... Next week we are kicking Dan's group's butts in DODGEBALL! Oh yeah baby... bring it on! (Apparently I'm slow to learn lessons..... and, I can't promise that we are actually getting together with them next week......)

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action.


Indefy said...

Next time, I think the losers should buy the winners ice cream!! Dodgeball..bring it on. Haha

jaimeklee said...

You know you lost because a VITAL member was missing.... but I'm not naming names.

emily and kyle said...

It's cause our team was the loving team and allowed the children to kick instead of kicking them out of the lineup. ha:)