Monday, May 05, 2008

Morning Person

Well.... I'm not much of a morning person. I actually do most of my thinking / reading / music stuff, etc from about 9 pm til midnight. That's not workin' for me anymore... The alarm is set for 4:45 AM - YUK! My new position at AT&T starts at 6 am in downtown St Louis. There is an upside though... I'm done most days by 2:30. This should equate to more family time - Rock on! So, it looks like I'm becoming a morning person - against my will! I'm sure it will all work out fine.

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / Family / and Friends with every word and every action.


bh said...

welcome to morningville!

bh said...

not that i ever got up earlier than you.... i guess i'm just still in "morning shock" after jumping there straight from college, getupat10amville