Friday, May 16, 2008

Quality Control

Every week I assemble a pack for each band member at Lifepoint and deliver them to everyone. Included in the pack is an audio CD of the songs we are doing that week, a Notes page, a Set List, and the actual Charts for each song. I'm usually very thorough in my accuracy in designing and facilitating the music each week. This week, however, I had to fire the Quality Control manager for the packs (of course... I AM the QC person..... so I fired myself...) We are doing a new song by Big Daddy Weave called FOR WHO YOU ARE. In my iTunes library I have 2 songs titled FOR WHO YOU ARE..... One by Big Daddy Weave and one by Hillsong. Guess which one I put on the disc.... You guessed it.... The one from Hillsong..... I intended to load the BDW song and the chart is for the correct song. Live and learn!

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / Family / and Friends with every word and every action.


Anonymous said...

My kids were very disappointed when we played the CD from church. It wasn't the "real" singers. :)

Unknown said...

(martha talking!) we will give you one more chance!