Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Just What I Needed

How many times have you been at a place in life when something happened or someone did something for you and you thought "that is just what I needed"? I've lost count of the stories I've heard about something Bob said at LifePoint that really hit home for someone, or a day when one of the songs was a comfort or confirmation for someone. Church is a great environment for events like that..... Maybe you had this happen outside of the church..... maybe a coworker gave you a compliment that just set the tone for the day... maybe you got an unexpected refund check.... maybe your husband / wife finally let their guard down so you could get past some tough relational barriers, maybe you got TURNED DOWN for that job you really wanted... (only to get a much better offer a short time later), maybe you got on the scale this morning and finally got to your desired weight, maybe that guy or that girl showed some interest in you, maybe that physical pain you've been living with has subsided (that's called healing and it's some of God's neatest work)....... The list goes on and on. Think about this... how many times have YOU been just what someone else needed? The more we move toward God, the more He moves toward us.... and I'm convinced He uses us for more and more incredible moments in the lives of others.

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / Family / and Friends with every word and every action.

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

I am being just what you needed today....comments on all your blogs.