Monday, March 09, 2009

The Hog

Dawson, my 6 year old son, (also known as Daws Hog, Hoggalicious, The Hog) is creating some very cool stuff on his computer.

Dawson is such a great son... He is so energetic, smart, and very polite (most of the time). He is really good about stopping and looking both ways before we cross the street.... He always watches for cars in parking lots.... He gets straight As in school.... He is a really good soccer player..... He prays like a big guy.... He loves Bible stories..... He is a bike riding machine... He water skis - 75 foot behind the boat like the big guys.... He is the tubing King! He is super snuggly at night when I lay down with him.... What a blessing! God, thanks for letting me borrow the Hog... I'm crazy about that kid!!

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God and people with every word and every action.


emily and kyle said...

you forgot to mention that he has great hair

Brooke said...

I love that kid....and I agree with Emily he has great hair. I love playing with it on Sunday mornings at church.