After Griffin was born (4 years ago) I stayed at the hospital with my wife (Vange) for a couple of days. The mistake I made was admiting that I felt like a caged animal.... YIKES! That one still comes back to haunt me at times.
Speaking of caged animals - we have some friends that are expecting baby #4. The mom is supposed to be on very restricted activity because of some complications in the pregnancy. Vange called them and asked if we could bring dinner over. They are the kind of people who feel bad accepting kindness from others (we are trying to help them to learn how to let someone bless them.) God has a neat way of teaching ME lessons. The couple agreed to have dinner with us.... only if they could pick up dinner and bring it to our house and hang with us for a while. My first thought was "No way, that defeats the purpose of mom taking it easy." Very quickly God nudged my spirit and said "Hey Doug, there are 2 big benefits to letting them bring dinner over....
- This couple would love to feel needed, and know that they contribute..... even in a time when they could use some help and prayers.
- Give them a chance to get out of the "cage" of their home and come enjoy a different setting with some friends, all while staying safely inactive for health reasons.
They came, brought dinner and their 3 kids (who love to play with our kids) and we sat and ate, talked, ate, laughed, ate, talked some more, ate, shared stories, ate, admitted fears of what lies ahead with possible complications for the new baby, ate, cleaned up multiple spills, ate, admitted that we don't feel like we've been to church unless there was loud rock-n-roll, ate.....
I have to say, I'm not sure all what God did in those 2 hours, but I AM SURE He was wrapping His arms around us and reassuring us that He loves us. Let me interject a quick prayer - God, You are incredible! Thank You for friends, family, and a chance to share the journey of life with them.... and thanks for a smokin' hot wife!
So, be aware of the caged animals in your life. Sometimes we need to learn how to accept the blessings of others. It will benefit us, but maybe more importantly, it could beneifit them, the giver, in a way we can only imagine. Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / family / and friends with every word and action you have!