Friday, February 01, 2008

Mother's love

There is stuff that a mom can get away with that noone else can... You know... when the kid's face is dirty and mom basically spits on her fingers and rubs the dirt off...... Well, in that spirit, Vange pulled a doozy today. The kids were going out to play in the snow.... Since their hands always get cold, she decided to take some socks and cut fingers out of them. So, the socks went all the way up their arms to keep the snow off their hands. Sweet!

Live loud, live intentionally, and love God / Family / and Friends with every word and every action.


emily and kyle said...

He is just the cutest thing ever and Vange ROCKS!!

Brooke said...

Ok so I am totally agreeing with have the cutest kids ever...and your wife is a genious!